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What is a zero-hours contract?

13th August 2013

Zero hours contracts have been headline news recently. In June of this year Business Secretary Vince Cable announced a review to assess whether zero hours contracts were being abused. On 5 August the CIPD, issued a press release revealing that zero-hours contracts were far more wide spread than expected. (http://www.cipd.co.uk/pressoffice/press-releases/zero-hours-contracts-more-widespread-thought-050813.aspx). Unsurprisingly, the use of zero-hours […]

Employment law reforms: spring is here with the buds of new legislation!

28th March 2012

With the April changes in employment law rapidly heading our way, the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published an annual review on employment law. We thought it was a good time to give you all a summary of the changes about to happen and the proposals for future change. If the government […]

You wait for a bus and three come along at the same time: proposed employment law reforms announced today

23rd November 2011

Changes in employment law used to be a bit like waiting for a bus. You would spend most of the year with the same regulations and then a couple of times a year a few changes would come along all at once (April and October).  While we presume the timing for introducing new legislation won’t […]