Unfair Dismissal

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Beware: the two year qualifying period will take affect for new employees only

31st January 2012

One of the most publicly announced reforms in employment law coming into force on 6th April 2012 is the increase of the qualifying period to claim unfair dismissal from one year to two. We commented on this last year https://www.employease.co.uk/blog/?m=20111007 However, there has been a bit of news on this change. A number of organisations including […]

Is it a good thing to give an employer the right to treat an employee unfairly?

27th October 2011

There has been a lot of noise in the media and the blogosphere about the leaked report written by venture capitalist Adrian Beecroft, which has been reported as recommending the abolition of unfair dismissal laws. We have seen two extracts purporting to be from that report. Working on the principle that what we have seen […]

Unfair dismissal: will the increase in the qualifying period help businesses?

7th October 2011

This summer has been a quiet time on the employment law front. However, the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness (and party conferences) arrived in a heat wave of proposed changes to legislation. George Osborne had two notable announcements to make regarding employment law. Firstly, the government intends to raise the length of service requirement […]

How does the Qualifying Period work?

10th May 2011

The concept of the Qualifying Period is well known to employers. It is the length of time an employee must work with their employer to acquire a number of statutory rights, most notably the right to claim unfair dismissal. There is however, still a lot of confusion about the Qualifying Period. We often hear employers […]

When do you ask for return of company property and disconnect from intranet access?

14th March 2011

On Friday I sat through a meeting where an employee went through half of a box of tissues, recounting the trauma of her removal from her employer’s premises in the context of a termination by way of a generous compromise agreement. At the start of a redundancy or disciplinary process, we are often asked to […]

Dealing with stress at work in 12 practical steps

17th February 2011

  Stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed on them. According to the HSE, about 1 in 7 people say that they find their work either very or extremely stressful (Psychosocial working conditions in Britain in 20071). Depression and anxiety are the most common stress-related complaints […]

Why don’t my clients let me have my day in court?

4th February 2011

I was due to represent an individual client in a three day tribunal hearing on 16, 17 and 18th February. Once again, the case has settled shortly before the hearing, just as I was clearing my desk of other work in order to prepare for the case. Whilst we have a very successful track record […]

Dismissal for some other substantial reason

16th November 2010

The Nottingham employment tribunal has decided that the Acas Code applies to a dismissal for some other substantial reason In April 2009, the Statutory Disciplinary Procedure was repealed and replaced by a new Acas Code on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures that affected the outcome of an unfair dismissal claim and the calculation of damages. The […]

Unfair Dismissal Qualifying Period

3rd November 2010

Lord Young agrees that the Government will consider increasing the qualifying service required for unfair dismissal to 2 years. The Government has announced a series of measures to help the 5 million small businesses in the UK. They have issued a document called Backing Small Business. It can be found at: http://www.bis.gov.uk The document sets […]